Saturday, November 24, 2012

penpal letter + book DIY

As  promised in the last post, here is the letter that I sent back to Gwen! I forgot to take a picture of the actual letter I wrote to her, but you can see the airmail envelope I used! Now besides the letter, I made a little book (I've been making a lot of those lately, haven't I?), and even though it is pretty self-explanatory on how to make it, I took pictures to show you anyway!

blank book
First, fold some blank index cards in half, put them together, and sew the binding. Print out some nice quotes that you like.

lovely words
Decorate the front cover. I kept mine simple with just washi tape, part of a paper doily, and a handwritten title.

Then decorate the inside with those quotes you printed out, scraps of paper, stickers, paint, sequins, washi tape, etc... I'm not going to show you every page I made because this post will be way too long, but I will share a couple of my favorites.

make today amazing

could have been

book package
This is how I packaged my tiny book; a small glassine envelope, edge folded over, sealed with washi tape, and tied with embroidery floss.

I think I'll start doing more posts on the letters I send, because I mail letters quite often. ♥


  1. I just found your blog and I really enjoyed reading it a lot ! Its so fun and inspiring learning how to make all these with you ! You're really creative ! :)

  2. I love your website. Thank you soooo much for sharing your ideas. My students are sending letters to their penpals in the USA and I mentioned your website to them. It will definitely helps them create amazing letters.
