Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I know one of my new years resolutions was to blog more often, but I've had a lot more homework then I expected. Well, actually I knew AP US. History was going to be a lot of work, I guess I just thought I would still have lots of time for blogging. Anyway, here are a few little things currently on my desk. Above is a little matchbox I made.

These paper flowers are soooooooo pretty. (I used one to decorate the box in the first picture). I got them at AC Moore, but unfortunately I no longer have an AC Moore close by since I moved over the summer. But they're online here.

Here is a little paper envelope I made using scrabook paper, washi tape, and a pen to draw on it.

This is a pretty pink pen that I LOVE! I got it at Michaels, incase you're wondering. I'm pretty sure they have them at AC Moore too.

Also, listen to Shelter by Birdy. It's amazing.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I love that neon pink marker! Oh, and thanks for reminding me what an awesome craft material matchboxes are, I always forget :D I've been reading your blog for quite some time now (though I've never actually commented on anything), and I just wanted to tell you that I love that you have a unique, personal style in all your crafts. Keep it up!
    Love, Victoria

  2. Your welcome, haha. :) I love anything tiny, so of course matchboxes are included.
    Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me! I'm glad you like my blog! :)
