Saturday, November 23, 2013

Merry Makings

 If you follow the blog Heart Handmade UK, you have probably seen Merry Makings, Claire Donovan's crafty Christmas magazine she recently published. If you haven't seen it, you must go check it out! It's full of DIY projects, gift ideas, Christmas decorating, and so much more! And it's especially exciting for me because I contributed a project!

I created a DIY for a pretty, beaded snowflake to decorate Christmas gifts! 

All of the ladies who contributed to Merry Makings came up with wonderful, inspiring projects. So make yourself a cup of hot chocolate, grab a blanket, and enjoy this lovely magazine!


  1. Hi dear, just wondering if you've received my letter yet? :)

    1. I'm sorry to say that I haven't received it yet :( But the mail is often slow here at school, so it's probably on it's way! :)

    2. I have good news! I just got your letter! It was perfect timing too, just before I left to travel for the holidays. I will send a letter your way soon! :)
