Tuesday, January 3, 2017

hello 2017

hello 2017
I know I'm a few days late to welcoming in the new year, but I've been spending some time reflecting on the past year and thinking about my goals for this year. 2016 treated me well- it was a year of lots of adventures! Since I was young, I always said I wanted to travel as much as I could when I "grew up". Although I don't feel grown up yet, I'm so grateful for all the traveling I was able to do! I feel like I travelled more this year than ever before, despite being a poor college student! Looking back, I'm amazed at how I managed to do everything I did! I somehow went on a trip, big or small, every month. 

I saw mountains and oceans, I roadtripped across the country to live and work in Yellowstone for a summer, I made another cross-country trip to Seattle after graduation, I backpacked a portion of the Appalachian Trail and another trip in the Smoky Mountains, and I ended the year in one of my favorite cities here on the east coast.

I had none of these adventures planned when the year began, but as time went on, life kept giving me more and more wonderful opportunities.

I've been listening to Jess Lively's podcast for many months now, and she's inspired me to set intentions for the new year rather than resolutions. She says: 
True intentions, to me, are enduring and flexible with changes in my life and feel doable immediately, in every moment.

Here are the intentions I have set for myself:

1. Improve my own wellbeing through meditation, exercise, spirituality, creativity, and a plant-based diet

2. Make time for the things I love, along with minimizing the things that don't matter

3. Learn to ignore fear and trust my intuition for all areas of my life

As for the blog, I'm very excited to start devoting more time to the content I produce. As you have seen, I did a little revamp of the blog design a few weeks ago and I'm looking forward to a new beginning for Stellaire. Along with the blog, I plan on creating more videos for my Youtube channel. And one of the things I'm most excited about, is actually getting my shop up and running with a new line of handmade stationery! I've started a new Instagram account strictly for the shop and my blog, where you can see behind the scenes of the shop and other projects I'm working on!

I'm looking forward to everything 2017 has to bring. I wish you all the very best, and I send lots of love your way!
xo, Jordan


  1. That planner is gorgeous!! As my goal I am also going to try to improve the content I have in my new blog :) Happy New Year!

    Carolina ;)

