Tuesday, June 24, 2014

visual diary // creative journaling

visual diary // stellaire
I'm finally home after lots of traveling these past few weeks (I've got some photos that I'll share in another post!). I've got a sort-of DIY for you today. I have always wished I was the type of person who keeps a daily, written diary, but I've never managed to keep up with one. I have dozens of empty notebooks that I bought in the hopes that they would motivate me to start writing, but they usually ended up unused in a desk drawer.

So I recently pulled out one of these empty notebooks and decided to take a different approach to journaling, which I can't believe I never thought of doing before! I started a visual diary, because I feel more creative putting images and words together than just writing in paragraphs.

I started my diary by printing out some images from Pinterest and collaging them on the first few pages. I decided this diary is going to be for both documenting my life (I'll print some of my own photos and glue them in with captions) and just for collecting images that inspire me.

style inspiration
My first page was full of style inspiration (most of my photos are from this board).

style page

On the second page I put together some photos of places I want to travel (and I loved the pastel tones in all of them!).

I've only done the first two pages of my visual diary, but just doing those has inspired me to keep filling it up!

Do you have any tips for journaling or ideas for some visual diary pages? I'd love to hear!


  1. It's a perfect idea! I'm making similar notebook with pictures from magazines : D

    1. Thank you! Ah, magazine pictures- that's a good idea! (Especially since I have a big collection of old magazines that I need to do something with).

  2. I find that when keeping a journal you need to treat it like it's your best friend. Write in it everyday like how you would talk to your buddy and sooner or later you'll be addicted to telling it all of your life's secrets.

    1. That's really great advice, I love how you worded that! I'm going to try writing in a diary more (because I want to have something to go back and read when I'm old). Thanks!

  3. that's so cute :)
    i have a similar journal- scrapbook mixture. besides the pictures and quotes in it, i've also glued in dried flowers ☼

    1. I love the idea of including dried flowers! I need to go pick some flowers and press them. Thanks! :)

  4. So cute! This looks like a smash book (pinterest is full of inspiration). I have a smash book and love putting little tidbits from life like concert tickets, quotes and pictures in addition to journalling.

    1. I've seen a few smash books on pinterest, and I love that they're kind of like a modern scrapbook. I'm going to try incorporating some of the ideas I've seen. Thanks!

  5. I've always wanted to write a diary and I used to have a few. But after few weeks I forgot about them! But your journal is very beautiful :)
