Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paper bead bracelet

I made some paper beads today! I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to make them, but here's a tutorial anyway.

Tear a page out of an old magazine and cut out long triangles. I didn't measure, I just used the ruler to draw straight lines down the page.

Put a bit of glue on the strip of paper and roll it up on a toothpick.

 String the beads onto elastic thread. I also used seed beads and some other paper beads I made a while ago.
 That's it! Now you've got a couple pretty, recycled bracelets!
ps. That's the Deathly Hallows symbol, for all you non-Harry Potter fans


  1. I really love this bracelet ! ♥♥
    Tomorrow, I think that I'll make one, or two, or three... ! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Short but helpful! I enjoyed reading this. Read the Reaction Speed Test article and work on your response speed. A Reaction Time Test is often used to measure reflex sharpness and provide useful feedback on how to improve response times effectively.
